John Abraham for Yamaha and Sharukh khan for Hyundai i10 and many others, considering that these celeb aren’t cheap and he companies who intend to have them as their BA need to shell out a big chunk, so do they get back their investment or is it a gamble?
For products which wont cost much I guess these celebs might improve the recall rate of the customer and might help in prompting the customer to buy those products…but incase of the expensive products like vehicles do they really work?
We are talking about mature audience here and big money and also lot to do with the preference. So this way I guess the company goes in a wrong direction adding jazz which might do very little and in some case spoil the brand name for example “Hrithik” doing stunts with Karizma which looked childish and unreal this lead to many shying away which includes me!
Though John has not done that bad as he true hobby is bikes nd not that he has taken up bikes to showoff which many other actors have done to just showoff!
But I feel instead of spending on these costly ambassadors the company need to invest in putting together ideas on how they can win the customer and am sure there are plenty!
Just came across the “i10” ad today which says in the end that get a “cricket ball signed by the khan” himself! Now tell me what can one make out of it? Khan and cricket?? I don’t see him involved in thi again other then he owning a team in IPL…this strategy is completely absurd! Hyundai to woo the crow think of some other gift this looks too funny!
So my request to all the automotive companies is to stop spending on the BA’s instead give a discount, am sure it would give better numbers!
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